The National Aerosol Association promotes the aerosol package as safe, recyclable, and ergonomically friendly.
The NAA represents the aerosol industry covering all regulatory issues throughout the United States and Canada.
We are always on top of the latest industry trends and regulations, working with a variety or associations including Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association (CCSPA), British Aerosol Manufacturing Associations for Europe VOC issues as well other important topics.
Whether it is our Active role with CARB in California, the mid-western states, the Ozone Transportation Commission, the southwestern states, or the EPA we will provide professional representation for our membership.
Our goal is to accomplish even greater things for the aerosol industry in the coming year with a new interactive website.
Consistent communication channels nationally.
Coordination of industry efforts.
Call us, we want to hear from you. Let your membership work for your company.
We invite you to join us in membership.
The NAA is proof that a young organization with limited funds, but hard-working and imaginative members, can be uncommonly effective. In its 20-year history NAA has achieved these objectives for its members and for the entire aerosol industry:
- Succeeded in lessening the Superfund Tax on butanes.
- Successfully appealed an EPA labeling regulation for total release insecticides.
- Had a scientific paper printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association, rebutting an earlier article about aerosols.
- Had our position presented in countless consumer and trade media, including Time, New York Times, USA Today, Paul Harvey Radio News and the Rush Limbaugh Television Show.
- Supplied written and/or oral testimony in California, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Maryland, Illinois, North Carolina, Washington DC and British Columbia. Monitored ongoing regulatory activities of the 13-state Ozone Transport Commission (OTC). Served on the Consumer Products Working Group and the Reactivity Task Force of the California Air Resources Board (CARB).
- Have an EPA representative speak at the NAA Annual Meetings.
- Distributed nearly 20,000 copies of the brochures, Aerosols and the Environment – Myth vs. Reality and Aerosol Cans and Recycling.
- Filed two lawsuits against the California Air Resources Board in attempt to stop implementation of Phase II regulations governing aerosol products.
- Became an information source for the entertainment industry and for scientific media.
- Presented the truth about aerosols in paid advertisements published in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Congressional Roll Call and various trade publications.
- Submitted news releases and information pieces to the editors of 1,600 daily newspapers in the United States.
- Developed a technical “White Paper” on the subject “VOCs and Aerosols”, and distributed thousands of copies of that paper to industry, media, regulatory agencies and to every member of Congress.
- Worked with EPA officials to assist them in drafting an accurate document about aerosols which was distributed to Congress as part of a definitive study on the contribution consumer products make to ground-level air pollution.
- Sponsored a short television segment that was aired twice nationally on the Discovery Channel’s Today’s Environment, hosted by actor Ed Begley, Jr. and later shown as a syndicated piece on other stations and channels for additional exposure.
- Sponsored two major academic studies about photochemical relative reactivity of volatile organic compounds conducted by distinguished atmospheric scientists Dr. William Carter of the University of California and Dr. Armistead Russell of Georgia Tech University. These research papers on relative reactivity of VOCs from the Russell study have been published in Science, twice in Environmental Science and Technology, and other scientific journals. Today, these papers are an important part of the lexicon of atmospheric chemistry.
- Served as an active partner in an industry coalition, which overturned an OSHA regulation that would have banned aerosol brake cleaners in automobile repair facilities.
- In conjunction with CTFA, participated in a year-long negotiation with CARB on hairsprays, succeeded in postponing the 55% VOC limit by 17 months, and avoided a bifurcation of the rule which would have given pump sprays a distinct advantage over aerosols.
- Produced a second short television segment for the program Environmental Review that appeared on PBS, the Outdoor Channel and the American Independent Network. It is opened and closed by film star, Charlton Heston.
- Performed a mall-intercept study to get consumer opinion of the PDFA “needle/spray can” ad campaign. Approximately 1/3 said they might use less aerosols because of the ad; the heaviest amongst teens at 41% and adults at 29%. The biggest impact was on hair sprays and household cleaners.
- Publish a quarterly newsletter, which is sent to more than 350 aerosol industry companies and organizational representatives.
- Created the Alliance for the Promotion of Aerosols including all aerosol industry organizations to work together to boost flat sales. The goal is to grow the aerosol market, discover what affects the consumer’s package selection and what motivates the marketer’s decision for the packaging form. There is an urgency to create a positive image over current negative impressions. Wirthlin Worldwide was selected by the members of the Alliance to create and conduct a consumer survey from which marketers could input the consumer information. Major marketers are surveyed through formal PowerPoint presentation visits by the Aerosol Promotion Alliance team covering this extensive research. The outcome is to educate the marketers in their selection of the product form to give fair consideration to the aerosol package.
- Retention of Air Quality expert, Douglas J. Raymond of Raymond Regulatory Resources, to represent the aerosol industry covering all regulatory issues throughout the United States and Canada. Doug has played a very active role with CARB in Sacramento, the mid-western states, the New England Ozone Transport Commission, the southwestern states and the EPA, to name a few. We are pleased to have a true professional, Doug Raymond, representing the NAA and aerosol industry interests.
- Through the cooperation of the Western Aerosol Information Bureau (WAIB) and the provision of its production of the “Genie in the Lamp of Science” production, along with cooperation from NAA company members, the NAA coordinated with Acuity Productions in the development of “Modern Marvels: Containers”. This production covering the history and growth of the aerosol industry was aired January 4, 2005 on the History Channel nationwide reaching over 1.5 million viewers. The production will be replayed in the future and a DVD will be made available to aerosol industry members.