ARR Pre-Meeting CARB Meeting Sept 25-26, 2013


by Admin



The California Air Resources Board (CARB) posted notice of the public hearing on the Amendments to the Antiperspirants and Deodorants Regulation; Consumer Products Regulation; Aerosol Coating Products Regulation; The Tables of Maximum Incremental Reactivity Values; Test Method 310; and Proposed Repeal of the Hairspray Credit Program scheduled for Thursday, September 26.  The public comment period begins on August 12 and closes at 12:00 pm PDT on September 25.  A link to access the public notice, Initial Statement of Reasons (ISOR) and rulemaking text is provided below as are links to the appendices B and F related to consumer products.

Public Notice, ISOR and Regulation TextCARB Meeting Webcast Access

For those attending the meeting, a pre-meeting is scheduled as noted below.  A link to access the CARB meeting webcast is also provided below for those not able to participate in person.

ARR Pre-Meeting & CARB Meeting

o   ARR Pre-meeting, California Manufacturers & Technology Association, 1115 11th Street, Sacramento

§  Wednesday, September 25, 4:30-6 pm

o   CARB Meeting, 1001 I Street, Sacramento

§  Thursday, September 26, 9 am


Appendix B – Proposed Amendments to the Regulation for Reducing Emissions from Consumer Products (LVP issue see pages 17-21)

Appendix F – Proposed Amendments to Method 310: Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Consumer Products and Reactive Organic Compounds in Aerosol Coating Products

CARB Meeting Webcast Access




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