California’s tree-hugging, solar-roofing residents have a dirty secret: Their state emits more carbon dioxide than 48 others. With Tesla Motors (NASDAQ: TSLA ) offering zero-carbon cars, here’s how this automaker could help crush Cali’s carbon conundrum.
Carbon crush
With 38 million citizens and an economy the size of Italy, California makes Texas look tiny. The Sunshine State is a leader on several environmental fronts. It’s installed over 145,000 solar panel systems — more than seven times second-place Arizona. It is almost always the leader in pushing for new federal environmental and fuel efficiency standards. And last year, frustrated by national inertia, it started its own carbon cap-and-trade system.
But despite its best efforts, only coal-centric Texas tops California on the list of carbon dioxide emitters. In 2011 (most recent available data), California pushed out 346 million metric tons of CO2 — that’s more than the 15 cleanest states combined. Read more